
iPad technology used as a teaching tool.
Our Three’s classroom makes available to the children iPads as an added teaching tool along with the nationally renowned curriculum, The Land of the Letter People. The Letter People is a literacy based curriculum that allows every child to succeed. The curriculum promotes oral language, vocabulary, and early literacy. This curriculum also incorporates a broad range of theme based learning which expands each child’s critical thinking skills. While in our three’s class, your child will be introduced to these concepts through stories of the letter people, songs, and games. The puppets that coincide with the curriculum and stories bring the curriculum to life and the children enjoy interacting with the letter people themselves. We have seen that when the children are excited and enthusiastic, learning happens naturally.
The classroom is sectioned into Learning Centers, where the children are able to experience and create their own learning. These Learning Centers include, block and large motor materials, art, dramatic play, puzzles and manipulatives, sand and water play, and a classroom library. When children experience learning they are more apt to enjoy and grasp the concepts.
Potty training also begins when the children begin to show interest. The children are brought to the bathroom every two hours, or as requested, to have their diapers changed and sit on the potty. We find that when children see their friends trying the potty, they are more interested in giving it a try!