
SMARTBOARD TECHNOLOGY used as a teaching tool.
In our Pre-Kindergarten classrooms we have found a balance between Kindergarten readiness and allowing the children to just have fun! In our Pre-K classes our curriculum facilitates a “hands on” learning experience for the children using the SmartBoard that is an added teaching tool in the classrooms.
Our main curriculum comes from Pearson Education. OWL, is Pearson’s answer to Learning Center based instruction. OWL is an all inclusive curriculum that involves math, science, social studies, music and movement, and reading readiness. Each day the children will work to achieve goals set forth by the curriculum that exceeds the New Jersey Core Curriculum and Content Standards. The Handwriting Without Tears Curriculum introduces handwriting and letters to the students in a constructive way based on the fine motor skills of four year olds. The curriculum focuses on pencil grip, posture, and pencil strokes, all skills that the children need to master before entering Kindergarten. With this the children are introduced to words of the week that they use in their journal practices.
This Pre-Kindergarten year will shape the way the children learn for the rest of their lives. Instilling this joy of learning is exactly what we strive to accomplish during this critical year in the children’s lives.